Monday, 14 September 2015

Paradise Lost in SL

Many of you may be aware of a performance that occurred last year, an SL first that was hailed by many as a creative masterpiece. Having been part of said event was an absolute honour for me and I have to thank those who gave me the opportunity to do so.

This amazing story, as depicted by the wonderful Basilique Performing Arts group, shows the story of Adam and Eve and how they fell from God's favour. The story is brilliantly formed from John Milton's work and moves gracefully along to the sound of Mozart's Requiem, capturing the raw power of each scene in graphic detail.

Canary 'Becky' Beck is now pleased to announce that for this one week it will be free to register on her website to watch the motion picture of the event. All you have to do is visit her site and follow the instructions here.

Act now, because it is only free until the 19th of September. The film will be available after this date when a ticket is purchased. The post on her blog goes on to state that there will also be an in-world screening of the performance.

Please, please, please show your support for this amazing show. It was a pleasure to be in, it was a pleasure to watch and it is a pleasure to advertise here. Don't forget to watch out for my name in the credits!

Check out the Trailer below!


  1. Thanks so much for participating Nathaniel, we couldn't have done it without you!

  2. Thanks so much for participating Nathaniel, we couldn't have done it without you!
